Tianshi Wang

Tianshi Wang 

I am a PhD student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley, advised by Prof. Jaijeet Roychowdhury.

My thesis work focuses on oscillator-based computation, in which I have shown that nonlinear oscillators can implement both general-purpose Boolean computation systems and Ising-model-inspired combinatorial optimization solvers. More generally, I am interested in the theory, characterization and compact modelling of novel electronic and multi-domain devices, and their applications in novel computational architectures and paradigms. Throughout my PhD study, I have also been actively developing open-source infrastructures for prototyping new device compact models and advanced simulation algorithms to promote reproducible research in the field. Before coming to UC Berkeley, I got my Bachelor's degree from the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University in 2012.

I am a recipient of
David J. Sakrison Memorial Prize for outstanding PhD research,
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award of UC Berkeley,
Leon O. Chua Award for outstanding achievements in nonlinear sciences.

For the work on oscillator-based Ising machines, I won the Best Paper Award of Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation in Tokyo, Japan, 2019,
and most recently, the Bell Labs Prize.

Email: tianshi at berkeley dot edu (GPG/PGP key ID: 2A380392)

Find out more about my research interests.